Ravenquest Wiki



Reduces 15% of damage taken from bleeding status.
Simple Blacksmith's Hammer
Passive: Increases crafting labor by 10.
Common Saddle
When mounted, increases speed by 3%.
Disease Resistance Potion
2% chance to a movement impairing effect.
Reading Glasses
The rim of these glasses are etched with the words, If found, please return to Varner in Barnsley Hamlet.
Clemmo's Old Pipe
Increases AP by 5 when using Wizardy fire spells.
Handcrafted Arrows
Your basic attacks and abilities have a 3% chance to bleed the target dealing 10 AP/2s for 6 seconds
Jensen's Merlot
Increases your in-combat regeneration by 1%
Poisoned Arrow
Passive: Your basic attacks and skills have 5% chance to apply poison to the target, dealing 5 spell damage every 2 seconds for 8 seconds.
Raven Scout Cloak
Increases AP by 3. If using Archery archetype, increases AP by 4.
Raven Scout Pauldrons
Increases Physical DP by 3.
Regrowth Stone
Increases DP by 10 for 15 seconds. 5 minute cooldown.
Silver Into Gold
Increases silver drop from creatures by 1
Sword Of Shadow
Vial Of Poison
Walder's Bow
Increases Physical AP and DP by 2
Improved Blacksmith's Hammer
Increases crafting labor by 15.
Iron Blood Potion
Active: Removes 1 harmful effect from yourself. 5 minutes cooldown.
Pirate's Hook
Passive: Increase Attack Power against creatures from the Pirate family by 14.
Sweet Molasses
Passive: When Cooking, increase labor by 25.
Twilight Lamp
Active: Attacks will ignore Chainwraith's Intangibility for 5 minutes. 10 minute cooldown. Passive: Increase Attack Power against creatures from the Chainwraith family by 8.
Toadish Cloak
Active: For 30 seconds, reduce spell damage taken from damage over time effects by 10. 2 minute cooldown.
Turtlepearl Sceptre
Passive: Your basic attacks have a 5% chance to slow the target by 10% for 4 seconds. Double the chances in melee attacks.
Black Gladiator's Sash
Passive: Increase Weapon Power by 8 against players.
Red Gladiator's Sash
Passive: Increase Weapon Defense by 8 against players.
White Gladiator's Sash
Passive: Increase Spell Defense by 8 against players.
Mending Potion
Restore 15 Health/2s for 20 seconds. 3 minutes cooldown.
Aegus Wineskin
Passive: Increase duration of all alcholic drink effects by 10 seconds.
Bolin's Protection Powder
Passive: Increases Weapon Defense by 30.
Daedalus Hammer
Passive: Increase labor by 20.
Giles' Desert Honey
Passive: Reduce all mana costs by 1, increasing by 1 every 3 levels.
Desert Opal
Passive: Increase Defense Power by 8. Your basic attacks agains creatures from the Ghaz family have 10% chance to steal 100 Health.
Dragonforged Rune
Passive: Basic attacks have a small chance to burn target, dealing 60 spell damage every 2 seconds for 6 seconds.
Ewin's Lucky Charm
Passive: When slaying an enemy you have a small chance to get an extra 100 silver.
Coal Goblin Gadget
Active: Summon a random Goblin Contraption level 23 to fight for you for 5 minutes, or until destroyed. 10 minute cooldown.
Golden Fleece
Active: Increases Defense Power by 12 for 6 seconds. 3 minute cooldown. Passive: Increase Wisdom and Dexterity by 6.
Prayer Beads
Passive: Reduce cooldown of all skills by 2%.
Sharakhai Fetish
Passive: Increases Attack Power and Weapon Power by 6. Double this effect while using a melee weapon.
Bolin's Tempering Oil
Passive: Basic attacks and skills have a small chance to bleed target, dealing 40 weapon damage every 2 seconds for 6 seconds.
Wand Of Surprises
Passive: Increase Spell Power by 15 and 10% chance of summoning Frog instead of casting a skill.
Venomous Goblin Gadget
Active: Summon a random Goblin Contraption level 23 to fight for you for 5 minutes, or until destroyed. 10 minute cooldown.
Old Toad's Amulet
Passive: Increase Attack Power and Defense Power against creatures of the Toad family by 8.
Phosphorescent Shell
Active: Increase Wisdom by 20, decreases Might and Intelligence by 5 for 30 seconds. 5 minute cooldown.
Poisonpetal Seeds
Active: For 1 minute, your basic attacks will apply poison to the target, dealing 5 spell damage per second for 5 seconds. 10 minute cooldown.
Pompous Neck Protection
Passive: Increases Defense Power by 8. Protect you from 1 damage over time effect, 2 minute cooldown.
Musty Liquid
Active: Deal 75 to 100 spell damage and reduce 20 Defense Power from the target for 10 seconds. 5 minute cooldown.
Reflective Carapace
Active: Increases your Defense Power by 15 and redirects 5% of all damage suffered back to the source for 10 seconds. 3 minute cooldown.
Dwarven Mining Helmet
Passive: When struck by a creature while mining, become immune untill you are finish mining. 5 minute cooldown.
Suspicious Milk
Active: Deal 75 to 100 weapon damage and reduces 10 Attack Power and 10 Defense Power from the target for 10 seconds. 5 minute cooldown.
Ships Glue Leftovers
Active: Deal 75 to 100 weapon damage and reduce 20 Attack Power from the target for 10 seconds. 5 minute cooldown.
Javelin Quiver
Deals 30 to 70 damage and has 15% chance to cause Bleeding for 7 damage every sec for 5 sec. 5 min cooldown.
Duelist's Honor
Active: Intantly marks the target for a Duel for 15 seconds. You gain 40 bonus Attack Power but also lose 40 Defense Power against the marked target. The mark loses effect if you distance yourself from the target. 5 minutes cooldown.
Crystal Of The Dawn
Active: Intantly heal you and your party by 300 Health and increase Defense Power by 15 for 5 seconds. 5 minutes cooldown.
Sovereign Circlet
Passive: Increases Precision by 45.
Sigil Of Dawn
Passive: When receiving lethal damage, heals back to 500 Health instantly. 30 minutes cooldown.
Iron Handcuffs
Active: Instantly stun a target within melee range and link it to yourself, making it follow your character's movements for 3 seconds. 3 minutes cooldown.
Exotic Incense
Active: Instantly Heals yourself by 500 and gain 15 Attack Power for 3 seconds. 5 minutes cooldown.
Aegis Rune
Active: Instantly gain a shield that absorbs 250 damage, lasting for 30 seconds. Increase Attack Power by 15 while the shield is active. 5 minutes cooldown.
Stepping Fuel
Active: Instantly increases your Movement Speed by 15% and leave behind a trail of fire for 5 seconds, dealing 80 to 155 damage per second to enemies that step on it. 3 minute cooldown.
Goblin Contraption
Active: Intantly summon a Goblin Contraption that runs toward a targe, exploding after reaching the target. Targets affected by the explosion are stunned for 1.5 seconds. 5 minutes cooldown.
Living Branches
Active: Summons an Elderwood ally level 70 to fight at your side for 1 minute or until killed. 5 minutes cooldown.
Conqueror's Bracer
Passive: Increases Impact by 45.
Goblin Bombs
Active: Instantly throws a bomb that explodes dealing 50 to 200 damage and stunning everyone in a small area for 1 second. After half a second, 4 other bombs explode nearby the first explosion, repeating the initial effect. 5 minutes cooldown.
Bag Of Caltrops
Active: Instantly leave caltrops behind you lasting for 10 seconds, dealing 15-35 damage and slowing enemies that steps on them for 30% for 3 seconds. 5 minutes cooldown.
Hidden Blade
Active: Increase Haste by 40 for 6 seconds. 3 minutes cooldown.
Emergency Blockage
Active: Instantly leave wooden barricades behind you lasting for 5 seconds and increase your Movement Speed by 10% for 10 seconds. 5 minutes cooldown.
Bear Trap
Active: Intantly leaves behind an armed Bear Trap for 10 seconds, dealing 150 to 250 damage and snaring enemies that step on it for 5 seconds. 5 minutes cooldown.
Pirate Gloves
Passive: increase Precision by 18 and Impact by 40.
Ghostwalker Shoes
Passive: Increase Movement Speed on foot by 10%. You don't trigger traps.
Agent Medallion
Active: Transform into a bat, 30 second cooldown. Passive: Increases Spell Defense by 28.
Dawn Bomb
Active: Deal 80 to 120 spell damage and stuns creatures from the Undead family in a small area. 5 minute cooldown.
Bloody Binding Stone
Active: Summon a Forsaken Vampire level 51 to fight for you, lasts for 3 minutes or until slayed. 12 minute cooldown.
Ice Spikes
Passive: Increases Vitality by 25. You ignore the slow from the Chilled effect, but still marked by the effect.
Icedrop Solution
Active: Instantly transform one tile under player to ice, increasing player Movement Speed on foot by 25% for 3 seconds. Enemies who step on the tile will be snared for 6 seconds. Ice tile lasts for 6 seconds before melting. 45 second cooldown.
Emergencial Campfire
Active: Lay down an emergencial campfire that lasts for 4 second. Party members in the medium area get an increase in Haste by 40 for 8 seconds. 5 minute cooldown.
Frost Ward
Active: Increases your Defense Power by 40 for 15 seconds. If you move, lose the effect. 5 minute cooldown.
Ratoxin Bomb
Active: Intantly throw toxins at the target from a range, dealings 12 spell damage per second and reduce Defense Power by 30 by 10 seconds. 5 minute cooldown.
Shamanic Brooch
Active: Negate all harmful effects target at you and increase healing received by 150 for 4 seconds. 3 minute cooldown.
Cloak Of Chivalry
Passive: Increase Movement Speed riding Moas by 12%.
Mysticap Fetish
Active: Instantly restores 400 Mana and increase Defense Power by 20 for 5 seconds. 5 minutes cooldown.
Omega Stone
Active: Increase Attack Power and Defense Power by 40 for 1 minute. 5 minutes cooldown.
Sinister Sigil
Active: Instantly causes all enemies that are within 5 levels of the user in a medium area to run in fear for 6 seconds. 5 minutes cooldown.
Torment Configuration
Active: Redirects half of all damage suffered back to the source for 30 seconds. 15 minutes cooldown.
Angerhorn Impaler
Active: Increase Attack Power by 10 for 8 seconds, if you are under half Health increase it by 20 instead, if you are under a quarter of your Health increase by 40 instead. 3 minute cooldown.
Eldritch Crow Mask
Active: Increase Spell Power by 40 during 20 seconds and remove all current beneficial effects of enemies in a medium area centered around you. 30 minute cooldown.
Active: Steal up to 400 mana from the target and summoning 2 Mire Wisps level 55 to fight at you side. 10 minute cooldown.
Idol Of Gluttony
Active: For 10 seconds convert 20% of all damage dealt by basic attacks and skills to Health. 15 minute cooldown.
The Grim Smile
Active: For 10 seconds, restore 600 Health everytime you slay an enemy. 5 minute cooldown.
Corrupted Fang
Poisons the target, dealing 150 damage per second while also nullifying all healing received by it during 6 seconds. 150 seconds cooldown.
Hypnotizing Stone
Active: Apply a stack of 'Hypnosis' for 20 seconds, increase skills cost by 1% per stack, when it reaches 5 stacks, silence the target for 5 seconds. 15 second cooldown. Can be used on players only, and after a target is silenced he can't be affected by this effect again for 2 minutes.
Waterless Poppy Blossoms
Active: Create a flower in front of the player, any party member that steps on it gain a shield of 2000. 5 minutes cooldown.
Chester's Weighted Dice
Passive: Your skills have 6% chance to be casted without cost. Every skill you cast increase this chance by 2% until the effect triggers. 5 minute cooldown.
Eau De Berserk
Active: Spray it on a creature to stun them for 0.5 seconds and lower their Defense Power by 15 over 8 seconds. Has 30% chance to lowering its Defense Power by 30 instead but raising its Attack Power by 30. 2 minute cooldown.
Toxique N5
Active: Apply a 15% slow to the player for 8 seconds. For the duration, leaves a track of toxic fumes behind, applying a damaging over time effect, dealing 20 spell damage per second and slowing by 20% anyone affected for 8 seconds. 90 second cooldown.
Dendrion's Memento
Active: Summon a Living Roots level 54 to fight for you, lasts for 1 minutes or until slayed. 12 minute cooldown.
Dunewalker Cloak
Light as a desert breeze and comfortable to wear, the cloak is imbued with desert magic, which can call upon the swift unpredictability of a sandstorm to embrace its wearer.
Immaterial Bangle
Fueled by the wearer's mana, this trinket unleashes a protective aura that reinforces their physical prowess, making every strike land with increased force.
Golden Maw
Active: Reduces the Weapon Defense of an adjacent target by 40 for 6 seconds. 2 minute cooldown.
Decrepit Tiara
Passive: Increases Defense Power by 25 when bellow 30% health.
Arrowcaller Horn
Active: Summon a Minotaur Arbalist level 55 to fight for you for 5 minutes, or until slayed. 10 minute cooldown.
Withered Demon Hand
Active: Channels for 10 seconds reducing the target's Defense Power by 8 each second for 10 seconds. 3 minute cooldown.
Saint Alsek's Cloak
Active: Increases Mana Regeneration by 100 and reduces Attack Power and Defense Power by 30 for 10 seconds. 2 minute cooldown.