Ravenquest Wiki



Silver Ring
Increase Weapon Defense by 2.
Simple Copper Ring
Increase Attack Power by 1.
Minor Ring Of Dexterity
Increase Dexterity by 2.
Minor Ring Of Wisdom
Increase Wisdom by 2.
Minor Ring Of Might
Increase Might by 2.
Minor Ring Of Intelligence
Increase Intelligence by 2.
Improved Ring Of Intelligence
Increase Intelligence by 3.
Improved Ring Of Might
Increase Might by 3.
Improved Ring Of Wisdom
Increase Wisdom by 3.
Improved Ring Of Dexterity
Increase Dexterity by 3.
Ring Of Whispers
Increase Intelligence and Wisdom by 3. 10% chance to spawn a skeleton upon killing a human enemy, lasting for 30 seconds.
Ronan's Diamond Ring
Increase Maximum Health by 80.
Jim's Personal Treasure
Increases Might and Dexterity by 8.
Sorcerous Ring
Increases Intelligence by 18 and Mana Regeneration by 10. You can equip only one of this item.
Increase Dexterity by 5 and Intelligence by 3. You can equip only one of this item.
Dragon's Defiance
Increases Might and Dexterity by 24. You can equip only one of this item.
Light's Sigil
Increases Wisdom and Haste by 22. You can equip only one of this item.
Lyderian Tear
Increase Might and Wisdom by 8. You can equip only one of this item.
Goldskull Ring
Increases Might by 5 and Intelligence by 3. You can equip only one of this item.
Sigil Of Fortitude
Increases Might by 14 and Vitality by 12. You can equip only one of this item.
Ranger's Honor Ring
Increase Dexterity and Wisdom by 8. You can equip only one of this item.
Ring Of Sagacity
Increase Wisdom by 5 and Might by 3. You can equip only one of this item.
Evil Eye Ring
Increase Precision and Impact by 12. You can equip only one of this item.
Shadow Mark
Increase Precision and Impact by 20. You can equip only one of this item.
Hunter's Ring
Increase Attack Power against creatures from the Vampires family by 9.
Mood Ring
Increase at random Spell Power, Weapon Power, Spell Defense or Weapon Defense by 10.
Ring Of Brilliance
Increase Intelligence by 14.
Coldsteel Ring
Increase Might and Intelligence by 20.
Thergardian Ring
Increase Wisdom by 16 and Intelligence by 12.
Crowmaiden Bangle
Increase Maximum Mana by 150 and Precision by 10.
Ring Of Mastery
Increase Vitality, Might, Intelligence, Dexterity and Wisdom by 7. You can equip only one of this item.
Ring Of The Initiate
Increase Might and Dexterity by 2. You can equip only one of this item.
Ring Of Safeguard
Increases Vitality by 9. You can equip only one of this item.
Stardust Bangle
Increases Intelligence and Wisdom by 22. You can equip only one of this item.
Baari's Insignia
Increase Dexterity and Wisdom by 12. It has the name 'Baari' carved into it.
Saveena's Insignia
Increase Dexterity and Might by 12. It has the name 'Saveena' carved into it.
Voohra's Insignia
Increase Dexterity and Intelligence by 12. It has the name 'Voohra' carved into it.
Krieger's Insignia
Increases Intelligence and Wisdom by 6.
Eldritch Ring
This ring was worn by Grandmeister Krieger and bore witness to his many crimes against humanity and nature itself. Now's the chance to alter this legacy. Increases Wisdom and Intelligence by 6.
Shamanic Ring
Increases Healing Power by 25 and Impact by 30.
Astor's Ring Of Destruction
Increases Might by 30 and reduces Wisdom by 15.
Eagle's Fungicide
Increases Vitality, Dexterity and Wisdom by 8. Increase Attack Power and Defense Power by 10 against creatures from the Fungi family.
Eagle's Hook
Increases Vitality, Dexterity and Wisdom by 15. Increase Attack Power and Defense Power by 15 against creatures from the Shark and Zorian family.
Eagle's Leafpruner
Increases Vitality, Dexterity and Wisdom by 5. Increase Attack Power and Defense Power by 5 against creatures from the Poisonpetals family.